Bodily Injury Liability: This coverage applies when you are at fault in an auto accident that results in bodily injury to the other party.
Property Damage Liability: This coverage applies when you cause damage to someone else’s property as a result of an auto accident.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP): This provides coverage for you and/or your passengers for medical expenses, loss of earnings, and/or other additional covered expenses as a result of injuries from an auto accident.
Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist – Bodily Injury: This provides coverage for you and/or your passengers for injuries caused by an uninsured or underinsured motorist.
Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist – Property Damage: This covers property damage to your vehicle caused by an uninsured or underinsured motorist.
Comprehensive: This covers damages to your vehicle caused by other than a collision, such as theft, vandalism, or fire, subject to your deductible.
Collision: This covers damages to your vehicle resulting from an auto accident, subject to your deductible.